白绢之瀑 正片

0°C / 2023-03-19 11:24:19更新



剧情片 日本 1933

内详 未知 去豆瓣查询

Taki no Shiraito is a very independent young woman with a famous water juggling act in a travelling carnival troupe. She falls in love with an orphaned carriage driver Kinya Murakoshi, and pledges to put him through law school in Tokyo. She always encloses money in her letters to him, until one hard winter there is no work to be found.

《白绢之瀑》是由沟口健二导演于1933拍摄完成于日本,主要参演演员有入江隆子,岡田時彦,村田宏寿等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 2 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

